


Watson turns one tomorrow and weighs 180lbs. He is the best dog I have ever had. I have only heard him bark twice in the 10 months we have had him and he is such a gentle soul. The children and him get along so well and he never chews or has accidents. He is so obedient it's shocking. He eats a ton and sleeps a ton but he also snuggles a ton. He also enjoys a daily walk and the whole neighbor runs to say hi every time. I could not imagine a better dog for my family. He's also the most beautiful dog I have ever seen as I am sure you can see from the pictures. As someone that has had several english mastiffs I am also blown away by how dry his mouth is compared to other mastiffs. That aspect is very real. I also believe he is a bit smarter which I assume goes to the anatolian in him as well.

As you can tell we love him and could not be happier. The kids have a huge party setup for him tomorrow and we are excited to celebrate his first birthday.

Ian C.



I thought I would send you a note to let you know how our Puppy (Watson) has been doing. He has been doing absolutely wonderful. He is so smart and so sweet. We signed him up for private training and our puppy trainer has told us he is a rare puppy in terms of behavior and learning. He is 95% potty trained with him telling us when he wants to go out and is learning and growing every day. He has gotten so big I can barely carry him already.

He loves to play with the children and they are in love with him. We couldn't be happier and wanted to let you things are going great.

On a side note the vet said he is very healthy and no major issues.

Thanks again for working with us and giving us such a wonderful puppy. I have attached some photos of him with the kids.

Ian C.


George "Bob" Wagner Jr. & Fredericka Wagner
PO  Box 845  /  Piketon  /  Ohio  45661
Phone: 740-493-2401
Fax: 740-493-0072

Copyright © Flying W Farms